Miller/Howard Investments Blog

Tech stocks are on the run again this year, with investors drawn both to the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the safe haven appeal of large tech companies with cash-heavy balance sheets. But how have high-dividend-paying tech stocks fared over the long term? High-yielding stocks have outperformed the broad market over the long term, as we have shown in past quarterlies. For technology stocks, it’s a tighter race. …

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At Miller/Howard, we are big believers in the benefits of high dividend paying stocks. Recently, we were offered yet another example of the power of compounding dividends.…

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When inflation swells, hawkish economists typically advise the Fed to raise interest rates until something breaks. Mission accomplished! The banking turmoil started with Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB, not held). SIVB became vulnerable—not by making bad loans, but by buying long-dated bonds prior to the recent rise in interest rates. SIVB’s deposit base was dominated by tech companies with balances well above the FDIC guarantee. It was the perfect setup for a bank run.…

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Embracing uncertainty leads investors away from portfolios tailor-made for specific scenarios and towards solutions that control risk and offer likely returns, even in volatile times.…

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Investors who ride out periods of equity market volatility have been well rewarded by sticking with high-yield stocks. Yet, “How am I doing?” remains a fair question from savers. With gyrating stock prices, there is no easy answer, and the question becomes more pointed as interest rates rise.…

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The current situation is very uncertain. Our view is that the best approach is to stick with companies that are maintaining high levels of free cash flow while others are faltering. These companies should be able to continue to pay high and rising dividends, in our opinion. …

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Fear of inflation loomed over the market from the outset of the first quarter, only to be joined by a new risk in February—fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Military conflict inserts a new set of risks into the global market, just as investors were anticipating an economic rebound from the easing of COVID restrictions. Given the risks we have discussed and the market’s rocky start to the year, a fair question to ask is, “How do income stocks perform in down markets?”…

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Despite the daily barrage of negative headlines, we still believe that we are months, rather than years, away from the end of the pandemic dominating daily behavior.…

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When most investors think of retirement income, or just investment income in general, they usually think of bonds and not stocks.…

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We are committed to managing the risks we see to ensure that our portfolios’ risk exposure suits our clients’ risk appetite.…

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Opinions and estimates offered constitute Miller/Howard Investments' judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. Nothing stated herein, including the mention of specific company names, should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security, sector, or MLPs in general. To receive a list of all recommendations for the previous year, please email All investments carry a certain degree of risk, including possible loss of principal. It is important to note that there are risks inherent in any investment and there can be no assurance that any asset class will provide positive performance over any period of time. The material may also contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainty, and there is no guarantee they will come to pass.

Common stocks do not assure dividend payments. Dividends are paid only when declared by an issuer’s board of directors, and the amount of any dividend may vary over time. Dividend yield is one component of performance and should not be the only consideration for investment.

The information above is from sources deemed to be reliable and is provided strictly for the convenience of our investors and their advisors. These materials are solely informational. Legal, accounting and tax restrictions, transaction costs, and changes to any assumptions may significantly affect the economics of any transaction.

The information and analyses contained herein are not intended as tax, legal, or investment advice and may not be appropriate for your specific circumstances; accordingly, you should consult your own tax, legal, investment, or other advisors, at both the outset of any transaction and on an ongoing basis, to determine such appropriateness. Any investment returns — past, hypothetical, or otherwise — are not indicative of future performance.

Investment Decisions: Do not use this report as the sole basis for investment decisions. Do not select an allocation, investment discipline, or investment manager based on performance alone. Consider, in addition to performance results, other relevant information about each investment manager, as well as matters such as your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon.

The returns on a portfolio that utilizes environmental, social, or governance (ESG) criteria for stock selection may be lower or higher than portfolios where ESG factors are not considered, and the investment opportunities available to such portfolios may differ.

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

© 2025 Miller/Howard Investments.



Opinions and estimates offered constitute Miller/Howard Investments' judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. Nothing stated herein, including the mention of specific company names, should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security, sector, or MLPs in general. To receive a list of all recommendations for the previous year, please email All investments carry a certain degree of risk, including possible loss of principal. It is important to note that there are risks inherent in any investment and there can be no assurance that any asset class will provide positive performance over any period of time. The material may also contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainty, and there is no guarantee they will come to pass.

Common stocks do not assure dividend payments. Dividends are paid only when declared by an issuer’s board of directors, and the amount of any dividend may vary over time. Dividend yield is one component of performance and should not be the only consideration for investment.

The information above is from sources deemed to be reliable and is provided strictly for the convenience of our investors and their advisors. These materials are solely informational. Legal, accounting and tax restrictions, transaction costs, and changes to any assumptions may significantly affect the economics of any transaction.

The information and analyses contained herein are not intended as tax, legal, or investment advice and may not be appropriate for your specific circumstances; accordingly, you should consult your own tax, legal, investment, or other advisors, at both the outset of any transaction and on an ongoing basis, to determine such appropriateness. Any investment returns — past, hypothetical, or otherwise — are not indicative of future performance.

Investment Decisions: Do not use this report as the sole basis for investment decisions. Do not select an allocation, investment discipline, or investment manager based on performance alone. Consider, in addition to performance results, other relevant information about each investment manager, as well as matters such as your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon.

The returns on a portfolio that utilizes environmental, social, or governance (ESG) criteria for stock selection may be lower or higher than portfolios where ESG factors are not considered, and the investment opportunities available to such portfolios may differ.

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

© 2025 Miller/Howard Investments.