Miller/Howard Investments Blog
Tough regulation has created opportunities that many income-oriented investors have overlooked. It's been about 10 years since the global financial crisis hit bottom and the Federal Reserve spent trillions of dollars to rescue the US financial system, yet the trauma still shapes many investors'...…
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We believe successful investing requires both attention to current market fundamentals impacting stock prices as well as consideration of long-term market cycles and trends. Take, for example, the growth vs. value style cycle. It is of particular interest to investors today as the FAANG-driven bull market seems to have hit a speed bump in October 2018...…
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In the first half of 2018, unwary investors were seduced by the sweet melodies of today's Sirens—Amazonia, Applonia, Facebookia, and the others. Even seasoned professionals could not maintain the discipline they had learned over years of navigating market waves, headwinds, and tailwinds...…